Jesus loves the children and so do we! Our children's department seeks show all children who come the love of Jesus as we teach them about the Bible, how to be saved, and how to live for Him. It is so important for us to pass along our faith.
During Sunday School hour, our PreK-Kindergarten class is taught by Donna Warren; our 1st - 3rd graders by Laurie Ewing, and our 4th - 6th graders by Sandra Roper on Sunday mornings. Wednesday's the children meet as a group with Donna Hollar teaching.
Children's Church meets each Sunday (except 1st Sunday of the month) for age 4 through 3rd grade led by Donna Warren. Children are in the regular worship through the song service, then are dismissed for their own worship lesson. The 1st Sunday of each month we want to give the younger children the opportunity to experience the complete worship service inntergenerationally so no Children's Church the 1st Sunday of each month (nursery still provided).
We encourage children 4th grade and up to be in the regular worship service. Pastor designs a special children's activity bulletin that goes with his message each Sunday for them to work on during the service.
We also do special events throughout the year for kids, such as VBS and Children's Christmas program, and we involve them in District activities.
Our District has a campgrounds at Fredericktown, MO, Pinecrest, and hosts a week of summer camp for girls and boys each year.